The Right Methods for Dog Obedience Training

Nowadays, dogs are an integral part of many of our lives. They accompany us on vacations, in the car, in the streets, and live every day within our family. 

The different players in dog training

Dog trainers

Dog trainers are professionals in dog training. This profession was previously poorly regulated. For several years, there has been a Professional Brevet of dog trainer, which is the only state diploma recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture. For more information on this training, you can refer to the article “the main animal careers”. This diploma being recent, it is still common to meet many dog ​​trainers from private training, of sometimes unequal duration and quality. Dog trainers provide private lessons, at your home or in public places (most often natural spaces). If they have land, then they also offer group lessons. If they perceive in your dog a real behavioral disorder, they may need to refer you to a behavioral veterinarian. For dog obedience training Orange County, it’s a great bang for your buck and you can make sure that your dog is well-trained.

Canine education instructors

Dog training instructors are amateurs, often passionate, but do not have a diploma in canine education. The canine education instructors work in the canine clubs, which are associations. They have generally followed a preliminary training of a few days provided by their club. The clubs provide canine during the group on their land, often with restricted opening hours. Their prices are often attractive. Other disciplines may be available such as agility or other dog sports. Clubs frequently hold competitions to reward the most obedient dogs.

The behaviorist veterinarian

The behavioral veterinarian intervenes in the event of behavioral disturbances (hyperactivity, phobias, aggressiveness, destruction of objects, inability to remain alone, etc.). At the end of a specialized consultation, they make a diagnosis and offer treatment. They are the only ones able to prescribe medications such as antidepressants to help the dog get better, but they also offer play therapy, or exercises to be performed with your dog to help him heal.

NB: In all cases, as part of the rabies control plan, it should be noted that a dog having bitten a person must be declared as soon as possible and undergo three sessions of evaluation by a veterinarian.

What is a dog trainer for?

Everyone has their own opinion on how to train a dog. Many owners successfully educate their pets. However, in certain circumstances it is necessary to call on an outside person, with a new perspective and techniques. This is the case if your new dog is not at all the same temperament as the previous ones and communication is struggling this time around.

Dog trainer

On the other hand, it may be best to seek the help of an educator if you have just acquired your first dog, are unsure of yourself, or do not know how to go about it. Having recourse to a dog trainer or behaviorist often allows you to progress much more quickly than when you work alone.


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