How to Become a Certified United Kingdom Breeder of Cats with Papers


There is much to like about becoming a certified cat breeder especially if you are an animal lover. You get to take care of kittens and make sure that they will be adopted by cat lovers who will provide their forever homes.  And you can make a great income as well.

The Law on Breeding Cats in the UK

There is only one law governing breeding cats which is the Pet Animals Act 1951. This law requires you to secure a cat breeding license to sell any cats. Some critics point out that the law has to be amended to halt pet abandonment. Apparently, some pet owners are irresponsible and abandon their cats when it becomes inconvenient to care for them. If the law and its implementation were stricter, the rate of pet abandonment might taper off.

Critics of the law also note that certain breeders conduct cat breeding in risky and unhygienic conditions. This imperils the lives of the queen cat and its kittens. Potential cat breeders should breed the queen and her kittens in safe, comfortable, and hygienic conditions. If you want to contact a specific cat breeder, check their background prior to a business takeover.

Follow the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy

Potential cat breeders can get advice from the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy. The organization dedicated to cat welfare gives the following advice while breeding cats: 

  • Use only queen cats that are fully-grown and healthy enough to bear young.
  • Invest in the health of the queen cats, especially if you import them.
  • Check for the breed of the queen and its mate since each breed may have its own rules for breeding.
  • Pay for the initial pet insurance of each kitten.
  • Vaccinate each kitten.

You should also do your due diligence about the background of each potential customer. This means asking about their background and how they intend to care for the kittens. Some people are just buying on impulse since the kitten is so cute. They then find that cats can require some effort to care for. Your aim should be to prevent pet abandonment by such “pet owners”.

If you are thinking of becoming a certified car breeder, you might want to start searching for a United Kingdom business for sale. One place you can start your search is the United Kingdom Easy Buy Sell Business site. It is a Business for Sales Platform bringing together business buyers and sellers.


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