Caring For Your Pet Includes Having Them Vaccinated

The moment you are born, you are in danger of contracting disease and illness. It takes weeks for your pet’s immune system to build strength to fight off pathogens and bacteria, which is why animal vaccinations are crucial in the early weeks to give your pets the best chance of survival. Routine vaccines every few years help boost your pet’s immunity and safeguard them from falling ill. Not only is vaccination essential to protect your pet, but it also helps to prevent the spread of disease to other animals and humans alike. Unfortunately, not all animals are offered the opportunity to receive vaccinations and many die in suffering and alone. It can be extremely challenging to accept the loss of a pet, and you could be plagued with guilt knowing it could’ve been prevented with a vaccination. If you are unsure if your pet has been vaccinated or if you adopt a stray, take them to a veterinary clinic to be checked out. Many animals, like rabbits, are still connected to wild instincts, and therefore hide their symptoms to prevent them from being easy prey. Vigilance is vital to ensure your pets are healthy and if you suspect even the slightest sign of illness, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Why Are Vaccinations Important

Vaccinations protect your pet from contagious disease and illness and give them a better chance of living a healthy life. Unfortunately, many of these diseases are transmissible and can be passed on to humans, making it even more important to have your pet vaccinated on time. Here are common pets and the diseases they are susceptible to:

  1. Dogs – susceptible to canine distemper, canine parvovirus, leptospirosis and rabies, all preventable with vaccinations. These are considered core vaccines and should be administered at an early age with continued periodic boosters and follow-up vaccinations.
  2. Cats – susceptible to rabies, feline distemper, feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus infection, and feline leukemia. Vaccines should be administered in kittens with periodic boosters and follow-up vaccinations.
  3. Rabbits – susceptible to Myxomatosis, rabbit hemorrhagic disease strains, and rabies. Unfortunately, these diseases are fatal, so your rabbit should receive a yearly vaccination to prevent infection.

Giving your pet the best chance of a happy and healthy life starts with vaccinations.

Tips To Keep Your Pets Safe From Potential Disease And Illness

Our pets need the same conditions and resources that we do for healthy living. Yes, sometimes we have to leave our pets in someone else’s care or in a kennel when we go out of town, but there are many things we can do to ensure we are protecting our pets from health hazards. Emphasize these points in your daily pet care routine:

  • Always provide fresh food and water – you should wash your pet’s food bowls every day before serving fresh food and water to avoid cross-contamination. Lepto is a disease commonly contracted by dogs who drink stagnant water, and it can be fatal.
  • Provide sanitary sleeping spaces – any pet that sleeps in a crate or cage should have fresh bedding every day. Also, be sure to disinfect the cage and clean it thoroughly. Hamsters may carry Salmonella disease in their feces, so proper hygiene is paramount.
  • De-worming – making sure to de-worm your pet keeps them safe from hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms, which cause severe pain, discomfort and malnutrition.
  • Bath regularly – wash your pet often to prevent mange, ticks and fleas.
  • Exercise – give your pets enough exercise to keep them healthy and strong.
  • Vaccinate – ensure your pets are fully vaccinated. It is the most important thing you can do to safeguard them from health risks.

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