How Much Does It Cost To Cremate a Dog?

Losing a pet is an unfortunate occurrence, but every furry companion will eventually cross the rainbow bridge. However, one of the most challenging aspects of losing your loved pup is deciding what to do with their remains.

During this period, you need to grieve the loss of your pet and say goodbye. At the same time, you have to make emotional decisions on whether to bury or criminate your dog. Cremation is often the most popular end-of-life choice among pet owners since it’s a more affordable option than burial.

So, how much does it cost to cremate a dog? Read on to learn more.

What Does a Dog Cremation Cost?

The experienced pet care experts at Paws, Whiskers & Wags establish that the cost of pet cremation depends on several factors. These factors include the following:

Size of your dog

The size of your dog breed is one of the greatest factors that may influence the price of dog cremation. One thing to note is that big dog breeds have a higher pet cremation price since the bigger your dog, the longer the cremation process. In addition, big dogs require more room than small dogs.

The opposite is also true for smaller dogs—the smaller the dog, the cheaper to cremate. Private cremation for small dog breeds such as a Chihuahua or French bulldog costs around $175, while large breeds like Great Dane and Saint Bernard may cost $250 or more.

Cremation process

There are different cremation processes that you can choose for your lovely companion. These processes include the following:

  • Private cremation:In a private cremation, your dog will be the only one in the chamber. This process will ensure you can access only your pet’s remains. However, private cremation can be the most expensive way to cremate your dog. It can cost you $100 to $275. Note that this price may vary with the size of your dog.
  • Communal cremation:In communal cremation, multiple dogs will be cremated together, meaning that the remains of the pets will be mixed. Therefore, you cannot have access to only your pet’s remains. This cremation method is the least expensive and will cost around $30.
  • Semi-private or individual cremation: In a semi-private cremation, multiple pets will be placed in the cremation chamber at the same time. However, each dog is kept separate, making it easier to identify the ashes and return them to their owners after cremation. Generally, semi-private pet cremation services will cost around $50 to $150.

Additional services

Additional services, such as pet memorial services, special memorabilia or a unique urn, will require you to pay an extra fee. In addition, vet offices and crematories are often separate facilities. Thus, you may need to pay the crematory an additional fee for them to pick up your pet’s remains from the vet.

Location of the crematory

The location of your selected crematory will also impact the cost of the cremation services. Some locations will charge you a higher price than others. For instance, in a large city like New York, you can expect to pay up to $300 to cremate a small dog. Search for local cremation services around you to get an idea of how much you can expect to spend.

Is It Better To Cremate or Bury a Dog?

Grieving the loss of your furry friend is essential, but you need to weigh dog cremation vs. a burial. Regardless, deciding whether to cremate or bury your dog generally depends on personal preferences and circumstances. You need to consider the cost of a dog cremation, the availability of backyard space for a pet burial and whether you are likely to move to another home in the future.

Burying your furry friend in the backyard ensures they remain close and allows you to frequently visit their final resting place. You can also personalize your dog’s grave with a plaque or some other marker. However, a dog burial might not be viable if you live in an apartment or don’t have the space.

According to the experienced pet care experts at Paws, Whiskers & Wags, dog cremation can be a more viable option for pet owners with large dogs or those living in apartments with little or no backyard space for burial. Handling a dog’s fur can also be too distressing; thus, most pet owners may prefer a dog cremation. With dog cremation, you have a few options for what to do with the ashes.

Summing It Up

The cost of cremating your dog will solely depend on your needs and the size of your dog. Note that if you choose a private cremation, you will have to pay more than if you choose a semi-private or communal cremation. Also, the bigger your dog, the more expensive the cremation service.



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